Become Accredited

Completing each level of the accreditation program will enable you to apply the philosophy, and techniques of the method incorporating it seamlessly into your already acquired skills.  Level 1 for Individual practice, Level 2 for family and groups and Level 3 for advanced techniques. You'll have a tool at your fingertips to enhance insight and accelerate behavioural change and be part of our international community through our Global Practitioner Registry.
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Our FREE Introductory Course

Explore how the Play of Life can enrich your professional toolkit!

Step 1: Select a Level of Accreditation

3 Levels to choose from

Select one at a time or all together

Level 1

Individual Application

Level 2

Systems thinking and Group application

Level 3

Advanced techniques and complete accreditation

Coming soon...

Step 2: Select your mode of study

3 Modes of Study & Pricing

The Play of Life® Accreditation Program has been adapted from a 300-hour post-graduate course into a program divided into three levels:
Level 1 for individual use,
Level 2 for families and groups, and
Level 3 for advanced or specialised applications.

The program follows a flexible distance experiential education, providing participants with comprehensive training tailored to their specific needs and interests.

Each level encompasses the philosophy of the method and practical techniques. The philosophy primarily integrates psychodrama-sociometry and neuroscience, providing a solid theoretical and scientific foundation. The theory is then put into practice through strategically designed techniques and practical tools, totalling over 15 techniques that are immediately applicable.

The online course is regularly updated to enhance the student experience. It includes reading materials, videos, short quizzes to evaluate your knowledge of the theory, and practical self-evaluation logs to track your progress as you proceed. You can choose from three modes of study: Self-Guided, Group Training, and 1-1 Training.

Once enrolled, you will gain access to the private Facebook group and our quarterly video conferences, featuring updates and case studies from Carlos, connecting the Play of Life global community. Upon receiving your certificate, you will be automatically added to our Global Practitioner Registry where you can offer your professional skills to people around the world.

1-1 training
Follow the directions of the online course and have access to a Play of Life facilitator if ever you have any questions or need assistance. The course is easy to access and follow as it guides you step-by-step through the theory and the techniques.

Theory component: Complete all units, reflections and quizzes.

Practical component: Practice each technique with yourself/friends/family/colleagues and submit a minimum of 3 self-evaluation logs for each technique and 1 video per technique (with a corresponding self-log).

Supervision: 1 session of 1.5hrs valued at USD$270

Time commitment: Averaged at 3 months.

Cost: USD$997
Fast-track your accreditation by joining a group of Play of Life 8-12 students online (via Zoom) every week for 8 weeks with a senior Play of Life practitioner as your trainer. *Face-to-face options available (contact us below).

Theory component: Complete all units, reflections and quizzes following the weekly schedule.
Practical component: Practice each technique with yourself/friends/family/colleagues and submit a minimum of 3 self-evaluation logs for each technique and showcase a case in action with your buddy in-front of the class and practitioner.
Supervision: 8 group sessions of 1.5hrs valued at USD$407pp

Weekly time commitment over 8 weeks:
2.5hrs – online class space: theory, videos, quizzes & technique revision (approximation) & technique practice.
1.5hrs – Zoom (or 12hrs face-to-face):  including case studies, questions, role play and practice.

32hrs in total

Click here for an example of the online group training calendar.

Certification: at the end of the 8 weeks*
*Certification is competency based. It is dependent on your practice between weekly sessions and completion of self-logs in the online course and review from a Play of Life accredited supervisor.

Cost: USD$1200pp 

*Talk to us about discounts available for groups of 12+.

Face-to-face blended delivery options are available (travel costs not included).

Contact us for:
- a demo call,
- to organise a group for your training organisation, team or friends,
- to discuss face-to-face blended delivery options for a group. 

*Group discounts are dependent on the supervisor and whether groups are conducted face-to-face or online.
Follow the directions of the online course and have a senior Play of Life practitioner guiding you through the course. 

Theory component: Complete all units, reflections and quizzes. 

Practical component: Practice each technique with yourself/friends/family/colleagues and submit a minimum of 3 self-evaluation logs for each technique and 1 video per technique (with a corresponding self-log). You will also practice each technique with your practitioner when you meet with them. 

Supervision: 4 sessions of 1.5hrs valued at USD$270

Time commitment: Averaged at 8 weeks with the 4 sessions spread out fortnightly. 

Cost: USD$1997

Note: this option is catered to your needs and time availability e.g. you may prefer to meet every 3 weeks rather than 2. 

Frequently asked questions

What is the Global Practitioner Registry (GPR)?

The Global Practitioner Registry (GPR) is a public directory of registered Play of Life accredited practitioners from around the world, managed by Active Learning International (ALI). The GPR was introduced in 2021 with the aim of achieving two main goals:
1. To enable practitioners to connect with their global community of practitioners who share their passion for helping people transform their lives and promote their services globally.
2. To enable seekers who are in search of support to access practitioners in their own country, language, and specialties that suit their needs. This facilitates easier access to mental health support services that offer an experiential and holistic approach.
By achieving these goals, the GPR serves as a valuable resource for both practitioners and seekers alike, promoting the spread of the Play of Life method and helping to improve mental health outcomes globally.

How the GPR works:

Once a practitioner completes a level of accreditation and receives certification from ALI, they are automatically added to the GPR with the corresponding accreditation level stamped on their profile. Practitioners have the option to choose the visibility of their profile: private, visible to other practitioners, or public. By making their profile public, practitioners can make themselves available to seekers looking for mental health support services.   Practitioners can then enhance their profile by adding information about themselves, such as their certifications, expertise, location, languages, availability, and other tools and methods in their toolkit. They can also describe how they incorporate the Play of Life method in their practice.   The GPR thus serves as a platform that enables seekers to find practitioners who match their needs and preferences.
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